A NSW Government website


About NRAR

We make sure water is used legally and that everyone gets a fair share. Water is for everyone.

Under the NRAR Act 2017, we were established to enforce laws in a fair and transparent manner.

We also work to maintain public confidence in the enforcement of those laws.

We are an independent regulator. The NSW Minister for Water appoints and receives reports from our independent board. The Minister must make any directions to the board according to the provisions of the NRAR Act 2017. The Minister's Department must also publish the directions on its website.

Who we are

NRAR is an independent water regulator. We oversee the enforcement of water management laws in NSW. We also engage with large water users, industry bodies, government departments and the wider community on matters relating to water compliance.


What we do

We investigate water law breaches and issue penalties and directions if water users break the law. We also provide education and guidance to encourage voluntary compliance. 


How we ensure compliance

We have eyes in the sky and boots on the ground. Our officers on the ground are across the whole state of NSW. We use state-of-the-art technology, including drones, satellite imagery, and data analysis tools. We also engage with water users and industry organisations. We provide them with educational materials to help them understand their legal responsibilities.

Our regulatory priorities

We publish our regulatory priorities to show how and where we focus our efforts to enforce water laws.


The value of water

Water resources are the foundation of healthy communities, environments and economies. Recognising how crucial water is (and its value) is integral to how we manage it and how water laws are enforced.
