A NSW Government website

What we do

Helping people comply

NRAR is committed to helping people comply with water laws because we know most people want to do the right thing. We aim always to listen, acknowledge different perspectives, and encourage a two-way relationship.

We meet and talk with members of the NSW community regularly. We want to make sure people understand the rules and why they are in place.

Some of the ways we connect with the people of NSW include the following:

  • at field days, visitors can ask about metering, constructing bores, and working on waterfront land, among other topics.
  • industry conferences where we build relationships with key water user groups
  • other events, including roadshows and customer advisory group meetings.

How we talk with the community

NRAR's stakeholders are the people and groups that can affect water use in NSW. Our activities may also affect them. Below, you will find how we engage with them and the broader community.

We are committed to engaging with our stakeholders and the community in a manner that is:

  • open and transparent. This is important to protect the integrity of NRAR's work.
  • encouraging trust and genuine engagement.
  • respectful and attentive. We value our stakeholders' perspectives and strive for open communication with them.
  • responsible and timely. We value every interaction we have and consider it to be important We will always try to respond to any questions or requests quickly.

Our stakeholder strategy aims to inform, consult, involve, collaborate, and empower. This aligns with the rules set by the International Association for Public Participation (IAP2).

Download NRAR's stakeholder engagement strategy

Our Chief Regulatory Officer, Grant Barnes, regularly meets with major stakeholders. Here are some of the speeches and presentations Grant has delivered since the inception of NRAR.

Guidance and advice

NSW water laws can be complex and challenging to understand. NRAR knows most people want to do the right thing.

Our staff work directly with people at educational events and sessions to help them understand the laws and how to comply.

Field staff visit landholders to do inspections. However, they also start conversations, share knowledge and provide the right information at the right time.

Water user groups are invited to contact our education team to discuss options for education sessions or materials.

Creative collaboration

NSW has over 38,000 water access licenses. We have approximately two hundred staff at NRAR. We are always finding new ways to encourage voluntary compliance. We work with other groups to spread our messages, learn about water users' needs, and find education gaps.

Our education team is working with essential water and agricultural organisations. We are teaching them about water laws so they can share that knowledge with others. We also work with key educational institutions like TAFE NSW. Relevant courses can include water law education in the curriculum.

Upcoming events

NRAR meets and consults with NSW water users on a regular basis. Find an upcoming event near you.

Upcoming Events

Study water compliance online

Our self-paced e-learning course is designed to develop your understanding of water regulation.

Proactive outreach program

Here you will find information on NRAR's Outreach Program and how it helps water users to understand and comply with the water rules.

Outreach Visit

Community surveys

Read the results of our community surveys to understand how water users regard water law enforcement in NSW.

Benchmarking survey