A NSW Government website


Progress and outcomes

Tweed River - NRAR web image

We continue to deliver a fair, transparent, enforceable water law compliance system. It protects our waterways and prevents water theft. We achieve this through targeted investigations, monitoring and auditing.

We publish an annual progress report. It keeps water users up to date on our activities and achievements. We also publish quarterly compliance reports. They detail the areas we have inspected and the actions we have taken.

We also use reports by experts on the issues affecting the NSW water sector. We use these reports to plan activities. These reports are publicly available. They offer water users insight into why we prioritise certain activities.

Public register  

As part of providing transparent and accountable enforcement of NSW water laws, NRAR publishes the details of its enforcement actions here.

Progress reports

We have released our 5th annual progress report. This edition contains regional water compliance snapshots of the whole of NSW. Read the

Quarterly compliance reports

A snapshot of our compliance activities by region and local government area in the last quarter.

Metering compliance reports

We monitor and assess compliance with the metering rules throughout NSW. We use these rates to target our education and enforcement efforts.